Illumination Entertainment Fanon Wiki

Jenny Cutler
Vital statistics
Position Residential Area
Age 12 in-a-half
Status 800
Physical attributes
Height 58 inches
Weight 4 pounds

Jenny Cutler is one of Antonio's Friends who is the main antagonist, just like antonio but secondary antagonist. she is the daughter of John Cutler and Jessie Cutler, shes one of Beatrice Manderz Friends.


Jenny Cutler is a Blonde Lady with a blue headband. and right on top of her forehead is curled hair around of her ear. she has brown shoes, just like Beatrice Manderz but boots. she has a purple skirt with a red tank-top, just like Beatrice Manderz but red and orange. she has green eyes with black pupils in the inside of the eyes. she's got brases around her teeth when she was in 5th Grade in-a-half.


She likes to dance at the Cinco De Mayo Party with Beatrice Manderz and Bonnie Vertain who's exactly like Her. when Antonio Perez Gets upset, Eduardo Perez gives him a timeout when he was little but he did. She likes Beatrice Manderz and all the other girls who is exactly like her.


Despicable Me Show[]

When jenny cutler was in kindergarden, people are bullying her and do know where to expect. when she has an attitude against Jessie Cutler her mom of course, she believed that her dad would stop talking to Bonnie Manderz & Bob Manderz which is beatrices parents. he wouldn't stop talking to her and him on the phone and so what?.

